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Private Club

Golf Technique


As a golf lover, in addition to regular practices, you will greatly improve your skills by taking advice from a professional instructor. As a beginner, you will be offered a lot of "helpful" tips from your friends and relatives, don't take them too seriously. If you get struck with a wrong posture, it is difficult to correct it. So if you are not sure whether you will love golf, go to the driving ranges to hit a few shots at will to feel if you like the game.

Tips :

Playing well means you can hole out in each hole with minimum strokes. Good knowledge in golf rules; possession of quality equipment and clubs; being properly dressed and back-up of learned technique all contribute to being a good golfer. Of course, reasonable training with numerous practices in top class fields also count. Golf is a gentleman sport in tradition and that's why it is important to learn etiquette as a courtesy on the course to honour yourself and to respect other players.

To make golf your beloved pass-time, you can try the following:

- Understand the basic rules and theories;
- Team up with your friends for regular practices;
- Forget all the theories and enjoy the pure pleasure of hitting the ball on the field; and
- If you can afford, go overseas to meet new challenges in exotic courses