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Private Club

Golf Technique


It requires different swings in handling different landscape and in using different clubs. Power swing is a fluid motion in one go. A driver shot is used for demonstration here.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward from the hips with straight spine, lock your knees straight and bent over with knees flexed. Your arms should hang naturally from the shoulders with your right hand to sit lower on the club.

The Takeaway
With the spine as the axis, turn your shoulders and waist to the right, your left knee bend more than your right knee at this point loading your weight to your right foot. A good takeaway has the club pointing straight back, parallel to the target line.

Top of the Swing
Stand on the inside of your right foot to support your weight. Your left hand will stretch out with the club parallel to the ground level and a triangle is created between your shoulders, arms and club with your right elbow forming L-shaped towards the ground.

Starting Down
Your left foot stands firm to hold your weight. Your waist and left knee return to the address posture, replaying the former movement in opposite direction.

Ball at Impact
Keep the speed with body facing the ball, hit the ball solidly.

Follow Through
Release the club with extended right arm straight with minimal arm tension, keep your axis on left foot.

Release your entire right side toward the target, allowing nearly all your weight to shift to your left side. Feeling the power of the swing, both elbows bent naturally to the back.

Tips :

Playing well means you can hole out in each hole with minimum strokes. Good knowledge in golf rules; possession of quality equipment and clubs; being properly dressed and back-up of learned technique all contribute to being a good golfer. Of course, reasonable training with numerous practices in top class fields also count. Golf is a gentleman sport in tradition and that's why it is important to learn etiquette as a courtesy on the course to honour yourself and to respect other players.

To make golf your beloved pass-time, you can try the following:

- Understand the basic rules and theories;
- Team up with your friends for regular practices;
- Forget all the theories and enjoy the pure pleasure of hitting the ball on the field; and
- If you can afford, go overseas to meet new challenges in exotic courses